Activities, Support Groups and Workshops

Group Discussion and Psychological Support

At the heart of NABD-BC2 Association’s mission lies a profound commitment to tracing smiles on the faces of breast cancer patients. Our primary objective is to bring hope, support, and a sense of empowerment to those battling this challenging journey. Through our dedicated efforts and compassionate initiatives, we aim to illuminate the lives of these individuals, replacing uncertainty with optimism and fear with resilience. Our dedicated volunteers, like Mrs Malika Aiche in this session, usually remind our patients to  capture the positive dimension and see the glass as half full rather than half empty. Cancer has never been and can never be a punishment or a curse. Despite treatment adverse effects and difficulties, it is an experience which  can pave the ground for new encounters and opportunities. We firmly believe that every smile we help trace on the faces of patients represents a triumph over adversity.

NABD-BC2; let your voice be heard!

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