Message from Our President: Inspiring Leadership and Vision for a Brighter Future

President's Word

“Good Health and Well-Being,” is one of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by world leaders and countries to promote health and well-being for all. Morocco is no exception. On High Royal Instructions, enormous infrastructure projects and socioeconomic reforms are being implemented. The generalization of compulsory health insurance (Assurance Maladie Obligatoire- AMO) reveals Morocco’s engagement to grant equitable access to health care to all.

At the heart of this transformative vision stands NABD-BC2, a beacon of hope, founded by those who have faced the shadow of cancer and emerged stronger, more compassionate, and deeply aware of the profound impact it has on individuals and their loved ones. In a world where the word “cancer” still carries a weight heavier than words alone can express, and where a cancer diagnosis can be a life-changing experience whose costs go beyond treatment related expenses to include psychological, social and  economic dimensions at both individual and community levels, our association is a testament to the strength and resilience of patients, survivors and caregivers who understand the intricacies of this journey, who have felt the tremors of fear, the aching need for support, and the yearning for justice and equity in accessing quality cancer care.

In the realm of cancer research, a revolution has unfolded; profound breakthroughs driven by new advances and labels: AI cancer screening, precision oncology, genomic profiling and personalized cancer care… Yet, while science advances, a silent battle continues within society, where cultural stigmas cast shadows of shame and isolation upon cancer patients.   As we tread this path, we have learned that every cancer journey is unique, shaped by the individual’s needs and the stage of the disease.  An early-stage breast cancer patient’s journey, for example, greatly differs from an ABC (Advanced Breast Cancer) patient’s one. And so do their needs and challenges. Our purpose is to be a message of hope, compassion, and empathy, to contribute to promoting cancer care and improving patients’ quality of life.

There is a glimmer of hope in the form of an idea, an idea that every patient, every survivor, is more than a recipient of treatment, but an active partner in their treatment journey. Empowering our patients with knowledge, awareness, and education is the key to making this idea a reality. That is where NABD-BC2 tries to step in, striving to make the patient’s voice heard, to understand their unique cultural backgrounds, to contribute to scientific research efforts that shed light on the cancer landscape in Morocco, to provide the resources and the support needed and to protect  and enforce their rights, honing insights and advocacy plans towards a future where patients are real partners in the process and where they can access the care they aspire for and deserve.

With this spirit, we call on governmental and non-governmental organizations, professionals, researchers, all individuals, near and far, to join hands with us.  We are grateful for the unwavering support of our collaborators and volunteers. We extend a heartfelt invitation to you. Support us with your expertise, time, and donations. Together, let’s sow the seeds of change. Let’s envision a world where the diagnosis of cancer is not just a personal cause, but a collective journey, felt deeply by communities and nations alike. Let’s make the world a better place for those touched by cancer, one step at a time, one act of kindness at a time, one moment of solidarity at a time. Together, we CAN.

NABD-BC2; let your voice be heard!

Ikram Eseghir

Founder and President