Activities, Outings and Physical Activities

Visit to the International Museum of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization in Rabat

During the Holy month of Ramadan (April 15th, 2023), NABD-BC2 organized a visit to the International Museum of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization in Rabat. Different members, patients and members of their families enjoyed the trip and learned a lot from this visit. The group started out at 10 a.m from Kenitra. During the way, patients sang, participated in games consisting of puzzles and short contests in which they attempt to answer questions correctly and rapidly.  The way back gave free room for giving feedback on the trip, on the association activities and suggest ideas of workshops and activities patients are interested in. Outings are not an opportunity to get entertainment and pleasure. They are actually an effective form of group therapy that NABD-BC2 promotes as it consolidates social bonds and alleviates psychological distress.

NABD-BC2; let your voice be heard!


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